28|03|2022(week 01-week 15)
Ating Melvin Otobong Abang(0333700)Minor ProjectCompilation
Team members: Crystal Beh (Leader),Della, Latifah zarrina Mochtar,Ating Melvin , Dewei Lungga Chandra.
This week we Met Mr. Mike our program director for this module he then instructed us to pick which group we would like to work in for this semester i picked this as i saw it as an interesting project and had a good cause attached to it as well.
For this project, we made use of the online collaborative software called Miro so we can post all suggestions and processes involving the project.
We also got to Meet Ms. Geetha during our Friday consultation with Mr.Mike, she's the one in charge of the project. She briefed us about what the project is about and its intended goals as well.
We decided to do a bit of research as we had a clear understanding of who our target audience was for the project.
Fig 1.1 Different Games kids would like.
Fig 1.2 Moodboard brainstorming ideas
We brainstormed a few ideas like what's trending, what interactive tools can we use, and all.
We initially thought that we had a clear understanding of who our
the target audience was kids, but we had to come up with a persona for this project t least 4 so we decided our 4 personas would be
- Boy
- Girl
- A teacher
- A mother: Were chose mothers because they have a more hands-on approach to their child's education
After we were done with our personas we showed them to Mr. Mike and he says the next step was to make a questionnaire in which the questions asked would prove useful for us when doing this project.
Fig 2.1 Draft Questionnaire
We decided to think of draft questions we could ask our target audience in the questionnaire for the survey this wasn't a final version as we were to just think of anything that comes to mind at that moment.
For this week's task, we had to do something called an Empathy map which helps us not just understand our Audience better but also have an idea of what they would benefit from as well.
Fig 2.2 Empathy Map Example
Fig 2.3 Our Empathy Map.
WEEK 4During this week we did had completed most of the Questionnaire, we just needed to tweak a few of the questions asked and add images so the audience has a clear understanding to aid them in answering certain questions.
We had to have a range of 4O to 100 emails ready to send out the survey, I contacted a few of my cousins as a handful of them have young kids.
Fig 2.4 Email List and Survey questions
This week we had to finish up our questionnaire so we can send them out to the mailing list, we had our consultation with Mr. Mike it still had a few issues so after the consultation we ironed out the issues and rephrased some.
We then sent the survey out to the Mailing list after our corrections as we needed to get responses as soon as possible to start the project.
We patiently waited for our responses to the survey to arrive this week.
We had the results of our survey but answers were all over the place we used this week to arrange and summarize the answers into easier categories to understand so we can work faster and more effectively.
Fig 2.5 Arranged/Summarized Survey results
After we were done arranging the survey results we then had to put down our top 5 ideas for the project which we did.
Then we had our consultation with Mr.Mik and we moved on to the next stage which was completing the Problem statement and the How might we section on the Miro board.
Fig 2.6 Problem Statement and How might we section
NOTE: Miro board link is in WEEK 1 of this module.
No class This week.
But we had some tasks that we had to do, we had split the work into different sections and assigned them to different members of the group.
I(Melvin) handled the Puzzle games references, Della was the Playbook content, Lungga the Interactive references, Crystal the Art style, and finally Leti the Narration as we wanted the storyline to have Narration.
Fig 2.7 Each member's work.
All the sections(work) done were collectively categorized under the pre-production stage of this project.
Fig 2.8 Puzzle games references(My part)
WEEK 9 This week we did more of a discussion on the storyline of the project since we wanted it to reflect the playbook and also capture the target audience's attention.
we had a rough idea of a kingdom of water and a hero who will be the MC(Main character) to save the kingdom.
Week 10- Week 11
We worked on the flow chart this week which is basically the breakdown of the flow of the interface and the storyline, there were a few issues so we had to check back on forth from the playbook to the flowchart.
Week 12
We were done with the flowchart and presented it during our consultation which was finally approved after the approval, we moved on to the next stage of the project which was the most interesting part for me the production stage.
Fig 2.9 Approved Flowchart.
We divided the tasks and thus began working on the production stage.
Fig 3.0 Group Task division
Week 13Task division- Melvin and Lungga(Interface design)
Leti-Character design
Della-Storyboard/ Storyline
Crystal-Environmental design.
Fig 3.1 Storyboard Part 1(Made by Della)
Fig 3.2 Storyboard Part 2(Made by Della)
Della made the storyboard which I and Lungga used as a guide to making the Interface in Figma.
Week 14
I started the interface by first looking for an appropriate font to suit the theme of the project as well be appealing to the intended target audience.
Fig 3.3 Font used Alloy INK
Fig 3.4 Buttons used
The buttons were made in Photoshop by me, I used the theme of orange to suit the theme we had going on already as to keep it consistent.
mainly when the other components like the art for the home page and other environmental art were done we went ahead and did the interface for the homepage here is an example of what it looks like.
Fig 3.5 Homepage interface
Fig 3.6 Achievements Page
Fig 3.7 Settings Page
After that, we started creating other pages following the storyboard Della created, and linked them accordingly.
3.8 Fig Linking pages in Figma.
Here are a few of Leti's Character designs.
Fig 3.9 Character Design(Done by Leti)
Week 15We were finetuning and rounding up on the overall project arranging a few things here and there in the interface as well, here is the complete interface prototype using an iPad.
Fig 4.1 Homepage, Settings page, and Achievements page
Below is the storyline in prototype form.
Fig 4.2 Map and the Quest: The Beginning
Fig 4.3 Continuation
After finishing the Quest the user is greeted with a congratulatory page. Fig 4.4 Congrats Page
Fig 4.5 Quest 2 Clean and Healthy
Fig 4.6 Continuation and End page.
Thus with this, we had fully finished the project and all that was left was the presentation, but unfortunately, FIGMA crashed so we had to put the walkthrough in a slide format.
Fig 4.7 Figma Crashed
Here are the presentation slides below.
WaterEd Final Presentation
Fig 4.8 Final Presentation
Fig 4.9 Prototype Game Walkthrough
|Week 1
Not much just look at the playbook to familiarize yourself with it
|Week 2
The book provided may not be very much suitable for the target audience that is aimed for. However, it is our job as designers to use the information provided to come up with design solutions and expand it to reach the audience.
We can even go to animations, interactive websites, and others.
|Week 3
The questions are too generic for now, we had to come up with better-phrased questions and whatnot.
|Week 4
Mr. Mike said that the questions are too few and need to be done before Sunday. We need to prepare a list of emails of people we are going to send the emails to by Monday.
Each person is to have 20 emails according to the personas that we have done on the Miro board.
|Week 5
Survey questions are finalized and ready to be sent out. You should be taking this opportunity to ask questions that would be useful to you in designing each page or section of the playbook to become a fully engaging and interactive playbook.
|Week 6
No class today
|Week 7
The top 5 ideas will not be about the design yet.
Mr. Mike reminded us that we're not creating a game and that we have to focus on how the game will help the kids to learn about water education. In other words, how we're going to gamify the playbook that has been given to us.
|Week 8
E-Learning Week
|Week 9
We should meet as a group first to talk about the story timeline.
|Week 10-11
We still had the flowchart to do
The playbook’s interactive flowchart is confusing as there are diagrams that show pages/screens and information with buttons all mixed up. Need to ensure that the diagram shapes are consistent with what they are supposed to represent.
The flowchart needs to be completed by this Friday.
|Week 12
The flowchart is completed as everything has been mapped with the playbook’s content.
Pick a cross-section of the most interactive and exciting quests to be completed. These will be the scenes for your walkthrough video.
The UI will have to be completed in full as it will frame the shots for your walkthrough video.
Think of the submission as the completed design doc to be handed over to the next production or design team that will continue with the production design. Therefore, all working files for the characters, props, environments, and UI design will have to be submitted.
|Week 13
Produced the list of all the assets that go into the whole app.
Supposed to select the ones that could be done within this semester and assign the persons to start work.
|Week 14
We needed to pick up the pace as we were running out of time and finish up especially the environmental art as that is what was left to complete the interface.
|Week 15
We’re on a good track, just need to polish up and get ready to present to Ms Geetha next week. Illustrations look really good.
|Week 1
This week being week one we had to get into groups of preferably 5 all from different specializations but we were 4 members initially personally i felt it was quite energy draining the whole finding a group and whatnot but i don’t regret choosing the WaterEd project as we all have much to learn from each other and also team dynamic seemed good, so far so good.
Other than assembling the group and choosing what project we wanted to work on for this semester as our minor project, normal course briefing went on, On Friday after the zoom meeting with Ms.Geetha and she briefed us about the content we would be working with which was manly about water pollution, etc, and we were given a Water Education playbook which made things clearer and the direction we were to go in.
|Week 2
For this week we had to identify who our personas were, and which certain target audience this project was aimed at the parents and teachers as they would be the ones relaying this information.
But we eventually settled on the focus being on kids.
|Week 3
During this week we had to add more questions and be more detailed in our approach because the questions we had papered was too generic we had to really look and lean towards our target audience and generate question catered to them in order to receive accurate results.
|Week 4
We needed to prepare more emails according to the personas, we had a new groupmate as of last week but we hadn't seen him yet in class so we shared out each person as instructed takes 20 emails having a total of roughly 80-100 responses.
|Week 5
we really did our best to think of the questions that needs to be sent out for the survey questionnaire we use the class time to work on those questions together as a group.
|Week 6
Hari Raya Public holiday, we sent out our Questionnaire to the mailing list and waited for the responses to come in then take that data and work with it during the project.
|Week 7
At this point, we were getting quite sucked into the notion that we were to make an actual game but that wasn’t the case
|Week 8
I just used this week to rest and also go through some of the responses we got looking at the overall responses we got now have a clear direction we can go in in terms of the project.
|Week 9
We had to come as a group to think of the interactive flowchart which acts as a blueprint for us when making the prototype for the project and this was spilt into 3 main parts The Environment, Character design, and then finally the interface designs.
|Week 10-11
we were still on the topic of the flowchart and couldn’t seem to move forward ass without it we couldn't do other things like the character illustrations and the interface design.
Still on the flowchart and needed to indicate where each quest in the flowchart came from in the playbook, other than that there wasn’t much to amend.
|Week 12
Finally, we could proceed with the actual work, and start the interface and character design, etc we felt the flowchart had eaten and taken up a lot of our time.
|Week 13
During this period it was quite stressful as I had other submissions to attend to as well, concerning the interface design we were pretty much done but I and Lungga had some things to touch upon for the rest of the interface design.
|Week 14
We presented the interface we had done so far and what was lacking was some of the scenes that had to do with the environmental art, we were advised to help out if any one of us was done so we can finish up faster, but I and Lungga were still working on the interface.
|Week 15
This week we tried our best to finish up the interface and whatnot, but unfortunately due to no fault of ours Figma kept lagging only the Ipad prototype worked, so we had to think of another way to display the pages in a way that can be understood easily, we did our final presentation as well today.
It has been a wild ride but I really enjoyed this project the ups and the downs after the presentation our client Ms. Geetha was rather pleased with the effort and the result of the playbook digitized but us I'd say it was a success.
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