25|04|2022(week 05-week 09)
Ating Melvin Otobong Abang(0333700)

Motion Graphics/Compositing  
Project 2-Channel Bumper


25/04/2022|Week 05
Lecture 05:Animation techniques
This week we learned the different animation techniques commonly used in Motion graphics. 

here is the Youtube video that was given to us to better understand the different techniques.

02/05/2022|Week 06

09/05/2022|Week 07
Lecture 07:File Linking
Today Mr.Fauzi showed us how to easily link files between the two most commonly used software for Motion Graphics and compositing which are Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere pro.

here is the Youtube video that shows us just that.

After the lecture, Mr.Fauzi Checked our Project 2 progress and also the poster exercise. 

16/05/2022|Week 08

25/04/2022|Week 05
Poster Exercise: We needed to make a poster composition out of random pictures given to us and later after the poster composition we animate it.

Here is my poster composition below. 
Fig 1.1 Poster 1
For this poster, I wanted to make a composition where we the viewers
(humans) become the one who is viewed by the animals in this case the shark and fishes, etc. 
Fig 1.2 Poster 2


Fig 1.3 Project Slides 

Fig 1.4 Idea 

For this project, I wanted to do something towards the entertainment sector specifically the popular streaming platform called Netflix but rick and Morty-themed. 

I browsed a few of Netflix’s channels and they don’t really have a channel bumper only just the intro of their iconic logo animation.

Fig 1.5  Rick and Morty 

The idea is to basically make a Netflix Channel bumper but it's rick and Morty-themed introducing to the audience that the show is now available on Netflix. 

16/05/2022|Week 08

Fig 2.1 Green Netflix intro

For the Netflix intro, i since it was meant to be rick and Morty themed i decided to make it green as it suits the theme.

Fig 2.2 Green Netflix intro 

I continued editing the intro for the channel bumper. 

Final Composition Posted on Youtube.


16/05/2022|Week 09
Mr.Fauzi commented on my work saying I should try to redo the Something big is coming and make it like a poster, emphasizing on the big.  


16/05/2022|Week 08
I really enjoyed this project as i really love the show Rick and Morty and i wanted to do something special. 

16/05/2022|Week 09
I was finally done I do like the work I have done but I feel I could have planned it out a bit better, never the less I enjoyed this project. 


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