COMMUNITY SERVICE INITIATIVE(27/08/2021-26/11/2021)Week 2-Week 14
Group Name: POPCORNGroup Members:1. Lee Phing Fong(Group Leader)-0332916
2. Desy-0340159
3. Nyoman Anita Putri Arimbawa-0339942
4. Annabelle Ching Shen Na-0334446
5. Ating Otobong Melvin Abang-0333700
Week 1-27/08/21
Today's class was the first week of the module, Mr.Charles briefed us on the project we were to carry out for this module and ran through the MIB with us.
The aim was to give back to the community through an NGO of our choice which we would like to collaborate with.
Week 2-3/09/21
This week Our group started researching potential NGOs we would like to collaborate with over the course of this project. As a group, we first listed made a list of the categories we would like to work in.
here is the list below
1. Animal related
2. Environmental
3. Health
4. Children
5. Culture
we discussed and we had two options which were either we do go for an animal-related NGO or one that has to do with helping children. we decided to go for the animal-related category.
Week 3-10/09/21
For this week, we chose a few NGOs that revolved around our respective category which was animal-related.
Animal-based NGO's
1. KL Pooch Resort and Rescue
2. Malaysia Animal welfare association
3. SPCA Malaysia
4. Allergic rescuers
5. Under one woof
6. Second Chance animal society
We went with Second chance animal society for this project, the major reason is we saw a good reason to do so we will be helping the organization in their cause and also improving upon our skillset also during the course of the project.
A brief introduction to second chance Society:
Second Chance Animal Society (SCAS) is a non-profit organization comprising a small group of volunteers with a focus on animal welfare. SCAS first began as PAWS Mission in 2009, Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur.
With the rapidly increasing number of dogs, SCAS purchased a piece of land in Hulu Langat and has more than 500 animals.
Core Values
1. Community & education
2. Compassion
3. Goodwill
We proceeded with sending emails to Second chance Animal Society indicating our interest in their cause the emails were handled by Aaron.
Week 4-10/09/21
second chance Society Proposal Slides:
When we had gotten the date for us to meet with SCAS we prepared a proposal in order to know the direction in which things would go and to present our ideas to Ms.Kim Yeoh.
Meeting ScreenShots
here are the Screenshots of the meeting we had with SCAS
Fig 1.1(Screenshot 1)
Fig 1.2(Screenshot 2)
Fig 1.3(Screenshot 3)
Fig 1.5(Screenshot 5)
Week 5
Friday Proposal Slides: This week each individual group needed to show Mr. Charles what they plan to do as a group for this project.
Here are our Slides for the proposal below.
Lecturer Feedback: In terms of feedback nothing much was said except that our approach of producing social media content for them is interesting. that’s all and we can go ahead with our plans.
Week 6
This week we officially began working but before that, we made a timeline of when each work was to be posted(posting dates) and other important dates like public holidays and whatnot.
TimeLine calendar
Fig 1.6 SCAS Timeline calendar
Fig 1.7 SCAS Timeline calendar Contd
Throughout this project, the work consists of a series of Instagram posts which we have to create and post each pot having a theme or something relating to SCAS.
Post#1 Family
Fig 1.8 post 1(stray and her puppies)
Post#2 Info on spaying and neutering
We decided to add in some info about spaying and Neutering to educate the public on the importance or advantages mainly for the dog's best interest.
Week 7
This week we continued creating and posting, we had four posts to complete during this week.
Post#3 The Children
For this post we had to make posters showing the dogs up for adoption i won't show all just a few as their a lot.
Fig 3.1 Jamie
Fig 3.2 Jasper
Fig 3.2 Jaycee
Fig 3.3 Jeffrey
Post#4 Information about Adopting
We wanted to share some information about Adoption, why it's important to adopt rather than buying a dog.
here are the series of posts below
Fig 4.1 Save a Life
We believe that adopting offers stray dogs or homeless dogs a chance at a better life and a safe home.
Fig 4.3 Saves money
Adopting a pet in terms of cost is often cheaper than buying from a breeder. Fig 4.4 House training
Fig 4.5 Test drive a pet
So shelters do allow for so who are interested in adopting a dog some time to see what owning one looks like on a day-to-day basis, and know if they can handle it or not.
Post#5 Dog Painting
Fig 5.1 Dog painting
Post#6 Be their voice campaign
This was a campaign intended to somewhat generate income that goes to SCAS.
Fig 6.1 Collective Instagram post
Week 8
Week 9Post#7 Animal Cruelty
In this week's post, we focused on animal cruelty as there was a rise in animal cruelty.
Fig 7.1 Animal cruelty over the years.
Week 10post#8 Children+Update
A few of the dogs we put up have been adopted :)here are the ones that were successfully adopted.
Fig 8.1 Jaycee got Adopted
Fig 8.2 Powder got Adopted
post#9 7-week old Puppies
SCAS had an influx of 7-week old puppies they also wanted us to help advertise too.
Fig 8.3 Seven week old puppies
Fig 8.4 Seven week old puppies
post#10 4-week old Puppies
Same as the 7 weeks puppies that SCAS had here were also 4-week old puppies too.
Fig 8.5 Four week old puppies
Week 11post#11 Increase in abandoned Strays
We wanted to educate our audience on the increase in strays, especially during the covid-19 pandemic.
Week 12/13Final Presentation
For this week we had to present a compilation of our work to Mr. Charles and our coursemates as well.
Lecturer Feedback: It's well done, not many people taking CSI module understand how important what they offer to the community but as for our project we can see the direct benefit from your hard work in terms of these dogs having a better life.
Week 13-We finished up a few things with SCAS and concluded the project with them successfully.
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