15|06|2021(week 11-week 14)
Ating Melvin Otobong Abang(0333700)

Sonic Design
Final Project-Silent Movie


8/06/2021|Week 11
For the final project, we have to choose from a small list of silent film videos and record sound effects, voice-over and background music for the chosen video i chose The High sign.

Here is the video 
Fig 1.1 The High Sign (Without Sound)

I then Proceeded to the storyboard template so i have a better understanding of where i want my sounds to be. 
here is my Audio Storyboard below.

Fig 1.0 Audio Storyboard

15/06/2021|Week 12
After having a clear mental idea of what i wanted to do for the silent movie thanks to my audio storyboard. 

I had already prepared my sound effects(Sfx)and the dialog and arranged them in separate folders. 

Fig 1.1 Audio files ready 

I then imported the silent film into Adobe audition and began arranging the sound effects according to the audio storyboard i had made. 
Fig 1.2 Arranging sfx and dialog

Fig 1.3 Importing dialog's into the sess

i had to edit most of my dialogs and sfx i used my phone to record them as i had background noise so i used tools like the Denoise to remove background noise and the pitch shifter to change my voice where need be. 
Fig 1.4 Using Effects 

i had completed my Mixdown without music here's what it sound's like below.

22/06/2021|Week 13
Thus this week I had fused the mixdown with the silent film without sound the first one being the dialog and the sfx Here is the video below.
Silent film with Sfx and Dialog Only 

then I moved on and made the background music i tried to recreate music that sounded like if i had a chicken by Kevin MacLeod recorded play and uploaded that to band lab and converted it into an acoustic piece.

although I am not really good at band lab I gave it my best shot and use the guitar rather than piano as I have more experience with an acoustic guitar.  

26/06/2021|Week 14
After listening to a few of the sound effects i had to find other objects that would suit the sound effect i was going for which was the hard part. although a few sounds could be recorded better i tried my best to edit it in adobe audition.  

here is the silent movie with all three pieces together, the dialog, the SFX, and music.

Silent film with Sfx, Dialog, and Music



8/06/2021|Week 11
I had finished making the Audio storyboard so i have a rough mental idea of where each sound effect goes according to the time stamp, the audio storyboard acts as a guide.

15/06/2021|Week 12
I had finished making the sound effects with things i had around my dorm room, the hard part was the background music as i didn't know how to use band lab that much so i resorted to using my guitar and upload then convert in-band lab.

22/06/2021|Week 13
This week was going according to plan as i added the sound effects and dialog to the silent film.

26/06/2021|Week 14
This was the final week after making the necessary changes i proceeded to do the other video which was just adding the background music as i was done with the dialog and sound effects. 


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