30|03|2021(week 1-week 4 and week7)
Ating Melvin Otobong Abang(0333700)
Sonic Design
Ating Melvin Otobong Abang(0333700)
Sonic Design
30/03/2021|Week 01
Lecture 01:Module Briefing
30/03/2021|Week 01
Lecture 01:Module Briefing
Today we met with our Lecturer Mr.Razif and we were briefed on the module assignments and projects.
here is the YTvid below
06/04/2021|Week 02
Lecture 02:Sound Effects
Lecture 02:Sound Effects
Mr.Razif took us through the fundamentals and the sound effects we learned how sound is produced and how the ear receives it tas sound waves and he also talked about the properties of sound shortly after the lecture we moved on to the exercise on Adobe audition.
here is the YTvid below
06/04/2021|Week 02
Exercise 1:Matching EQ's
Exercise 1:Matching EQ's
After the lecture's we were introduced to adobe audition and taught how to match and balance the Eq's using the parametric equalizer.
after the short tutorial, we were instructed to then match EQs and show the screenshots of them.
here is the YTvid of the Parametric equalizer
Fig 1.3 EQ3
Fig 1.4 EQ4
Fig 1.5 EQ5
Fig 1.6 EQ6
Explosion Sound
Punch Sound
13/04/2021|Week 03
Exercise 2: Environmental Sound
Exercise 2: Environmental Sound
Today Mr.Razif showed us two environmental pictures and wanted us to use our imagination and find the sounds that suit the environments.
Environment 1:Sci-Fi Laboratory
Environment 2:Underground Military HQ
Feedback was given so I worked based on the feedback which was to reduce the computer beeping sound a bit here's the outcome with the lowered computer beeps.
Final Outcome
10/05/2021|Week 07
13/04/2021|Week 03
Exercise 2:Environmental Sound
Exercise 2:Environmental Sound
Environment 1:Sci-Fi Laboratory
Mr.Razif Commented on my work for Lab Environment 1 saying it's okay nothing much to change the main sound is there which would be the lasers. But that there were more lasers at the back so I could have added a bit more laser sounds simultaneously.
Environment 2:Underground Military HQ
Reduce the computer beeping sound a bit.
31/03/2021|Week 01
Nothing much happened in today's class although it was the first week and we got to meet Mr.Razif today, the class reminded me a bit of video and sound production class.
06/04/2021|Week 02
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