14|04|2021(week 3-week 6)
Ating Melvin Otobong Abang(0333700)

Animation Fundamentals 


13/04/2021|Week 03
We had to make some sketches for our project 1 character which we would use for the walk cycle and character turn around.

here's mine in a google doc 

my story at first was too complex but then i changed it first so i
can easily animate and so i could have a fun and lively story compared to the previous story.

21/04/2021|Week 04
Then this week i began drawing my character in photoshop firstly the front view and slowly proceeded to the color test and finally the full turnaround and the colored version. 

Fig 1.1 Mimi Front view Sketch 

Fig 1.2 Mimi Color test Sketch
I decided to do a run cycle rather than a walk cycle so i sketched each pose because I planned on doing mine frame by frame.

as i did the poses for the run cycle i was following this format below.

Fig 1.3 Walk cycle reference

Fig 1.4 Amendments based on feedback

but after feedback from my Lecturer, I realized that a run cycle was meant to be 13 key poses in total similar to this one below, the one i had above was a walk cycle rather than a run.

Fig 1.4 Run cycle reference 

After the realization, i then proceeded to sketch it properly on photoshop.
    Fig 1.5 Completed run cycle Poses.
I had completed the 13 poses for my run cycle the next step was to replicate them in adobe animate and animate them from there. 

Fig 1.6 First three poses
I went on to complete the rest of the 10 poses.

Fig 1.7  Continuation 
basically, the workflow for this is taking a screenshot and importing it to the stage in adobe animate then following the sketch as a guide.
Fig 1.8 Completed run cycle poses

after i completed the run cycle poses were done i moved on to animating them. 

Fig 1.9 Animating the run cycle

Fig 2.1 Onion Skin
I used the onion skin tool to check if my poses were well aligned with each other in one place rather than shifting frame by frame. 

here is my final outcome below.

Reflection :

Doing this run cycle has really made me appreciate simple animations I see when watching animated shows it takes a lot especially as I had to do it frame by frame and not built method. 

Nevertheless, I am proud of how MiMi's run cycle turned out compared to the MIMI's turnaround the quality of brush stroke I am happy but of course there is still much to be learned. 


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