29|03|2021(week 2-week 7)
Ating Melvin Otobong Abang(0333700)
3D Modeling 


05/04/2021|Week 02
Our Lecturer told us that we should prepare a slide or mood board of what we want to propose for the Hard Surface model our project 1 so i decided that for my project 1 i would do a Mecha robot.

Here are my Slides below.
Fig 1.1 Project Slides
12/04/2021|Week 03
After proposing my project slides the Lecturer said i could go ahead with the model, for this project we were free to make use of either b=Maya or Blender, i was having difficulty in Maya so i switched to blender. 
Lecturer's Feedback :
This is good you start modeling. 

19/04/2021|Week 04
i then began with the Mecha robot model here are my reference pictures for the model and also the different profile views for the robot. 
Fig 1.1 Reference Robot

Fig 1.2 Reference Robot 2
For the robot i wanted to create, i then planned to model the body of reference robot 1 but use the arms of the second one so it's unique. 
Fig 1.3 Parts i wanted to Fuse

26/04/2021|Week 05
This week i had completed the base model for the robot then i just carried on with my modeling in blender the time-consuming part was the core of the robot which i wanted to be detailed. here is a close-up of the core.

Fig 1.4 Mecha   Core

03/05/2021|Week 06
I had completed the model what was left was for me to add texture and render the final image with light.

here are different views(angles)of my model.

Fig 1.5 Front view

Fig 1.6 Side View

Fig 1.7 Three Quater View

Fig 1.8 Back View

Fig 1.9 Top View

10/05/2021|Week 07
I had completed the render and texturing of the mecha robot here are the screenshots of the final render with light. 

Fig 1.10 Rendered with Light

Fig 1.11 Rendered with Light(2)
i was rather happy with the results.

project 1 was fun to do for me and also time-consuming well maybe that's because I wanted my work to be rather detailed, the hardest part for me was having to restart the whole thing again. But in the end, I'm happy with my work.  


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