31|04|2021(week 1-week 6)
Ating Melvin Otobong Abang(0333700)

Animation Fundamentals 


14/04/2021|Week 01
Lecture 01:Module Briefing 
Today was the first day we got to meet Ms.Jennifer Teh our animation lecturer, she took us through the Assignments module brief of what the module was about and what we were expected to do here is the PDF file.

07/04/2021|Week 02
Lecture 02: 12 Principles of Animation/Adobe Animate
Today we watched a Youtube video on the 12 principles of animation with Ms. Jennifer in order for us to understand and utilize them later on in our module

Later on during we got to try out Adobe animate for the first time and it felt very weird at first but the interface seemed like a blend of illustrator and flash. 

09/04/2021|Week 02
Lecture 02:Consultation for Exercise 2
Today Ms.Jennifer did a few consultations with my classmate's ball animation highlighting a few parts that could be done better just small attention to detail, I've never really seen someone be so detail haha it's a good thing I can learn from Ms. Jennifer being through. 

14/04/2021|Week 01
Exercises 01:
Character Gestures & Poses Based On Shapes
We were required to study basic character anatomy based on the shapes given for this module, to further understand character acting. these were the shapes given below.
Fig 1.0 Basic Shapes

I Drew directly on photoshop, basically, I just drew what was in my head taking a few inspirations like SpongeBob, a cigar, etc.
here's my first outcome.
Fig 1.1 First Outcome

I had then showed Ms.Jennifer the first outcome I got some feedback highlighting a few parts that could be shown better. 

Fig 1.2 Feedback

After receiving feedback I worked on the characters that needed help
this is my final outcome, I followed the instructions given and gave them a more dynamic look for the circle and the diamond and also decided to do a bit of shading but I forgot to make the square character look drunk or tipsy.
Fig 1.3 Final Outcome
07/04/2021|Week 02
Exercises 02:Bouncing Ball Animation.
We were required to animate 2 types of Bouncing Ball exercises, using Adobe Animate. The two types of exercises are:
1) Linear Bouncing Ball
2) Action Bouncing Ball

Submission format: 
- Adobe Animate work file (Video Ratio/Render Size Setting: 1280 x 720p, 25 Frames per second)
- MOV/MPEG4 file, as long as your Lecturer is able to view it.

here is my ball animation below.
Linear Ball Animation

Action Ball Animation

For the action ball animation, a frame is missing but I didn't have time to amend it as I had to move unto other exercises and projects. 

21/04/2021|Week 04
Exercises 03:Character Turnaround Animation.
For this exercise, we needed to do a 360 degrees character turnaround model sheet and the final turnaround animation in Adobe Animate. 

For our chosen character the model sheet needs to contain 
1. Front
2. Three-Quarter Front
3. Side/Profile
4. Three-Quarter Back
5. Back

here is my character model Sheet below. 
Fig 1.4 Initial Mimi Model sheet

i forgot to add the Three-quarter view back to my character sheet here is the final version below.
Fig 1.5 Final Mimi Model sheet

28/04/2021|Week 05
After i had finished the model sheet i showed my Lecturer for feedback and i had to amend a few things. 

Fig 1.6 Amendment

after feedback from my lecturer, I had to readjust the positioning of a few of the poses then i went on to animating it.

Fig 1.6 Using Onion skin 

I then animated the turnaround using the onion skin tool to check my previous frame to make sure they were all in place. 

here is my final outcome below. 

The series of exercises gave me an insight into how the animation workflow is and I'd say the most enjoyable one for me was the turn around seeing MIMI come to life and know I did that gives me joy and pushes me to work harder, I know it's not the best but I'm happy because it's mine, my work.


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