06/01/2020(week 1-week 5)
Ating Melvin Otobong Abang(0333700)
Interactive Design



15|4|2020(Week 01)
This week we had the Lecture briefing and we had a Website activity were we go through the different types of websites and extract their Target audience and it's intended Briefing purpose.

Here are the Slides for this week

and here are my slides on the Website activity

22|4|2020(Week 02)
Lecture 02- Web standards 
For this lecture, we went through what web standards are 
Web standards - Design websites using the same language(Html & css)If not complied with web standards most likely to unable to access for most people

Here is the google slide

29|4|2020(Week 03)
Lecture 03-Adding Images to Html 
This week we learned how to add images in Html using 
The tag <img> is empty until an attribute is added. Like <img src=“url”> and alt=" Melvin" the Alt attribute is added to describe the image. 

Here's the lecture slide

6|5|2020(Week 04)
Lecture 04-Intro to CSS
CSS allows you to create rules that specify how the content of an element should appear, and how CSS works by associating rules with HTML elements. A CSS rule contains two parts: a selector and a declaration. 

Here are this week's slides 

13|5|2020(Week 05)
Lecture 05-Layout
We learnt about the arrangement of layouts and how to make them in CSS and Html.

here is the slide

29|4|2020(Week 03)
we were tasked to recreate a small web page based on the information given to us on google classrooms.

here is my process on the exercise 

Fig 1.1 Html Sorce code
Fig 1.2 Html Sorce code continuation
Browser preview

Activity-layout Activity
6|5|2020(Week 04)
This week we were taught how we can a site more dynamic and organized look by using CSS, we then followed a simple layout given by Mr. Samshul.

here is my Html and CSS code
Fig 2.1 Html layout code.

CSS code
Fig 2.2 Css Layout Code.

Fig 2.3 Css Layout Code Continued.
Browser preview
Fig 2.4 Layout on Google.

Exercise02- Photoshop Layout
13|5|2020(Week 05)
We were given a folder with images and document files to create a layout on our own through the rest of the week. 
Fig 3.1 Files are given  

Fig 3.2 Initial Layout

the initial layout wasn't well arranged, neither was the logo and pictures given, the feedback given was that this wasn't really a layout and that I should have a look at what others had done so and that is what I have done 

In the first try, I didn't understand how divs worked but know I have a better understanding after watching the tutorial video by Mr. samshul.

here is the Html Source code
Fig 3.3 Html source code opening section

this is where the CSS file is linked and Divs are created to be called later in the CSS code.
Fig 3. 4 Html source code continuation 

Fig 3. 5 Html source code continuation 

Fig 3.6 Html source code continuation 
here is the layout in-browser preview
Fig 4.1 Layout's top section

Fig 4.2 Layout's middle section

Fig 4.3 Layout's bottom section

29|4|2020(Week 03)
Exercise 1: Don't put your paragraph(<p>)within the header<h1> there's no need, other than that everything is ok.

6|5|2020(Week 04)
layout Activity: No Feedback was given

13|5|2020(Week 05)
Exercise 2: "Your layout doesn't look like a layout you should have a look at other people's work and amend yours"-Mr.Samshul



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