Ating Melvin Otobong Abang(0333700)
Film Studies & Cinematography
12/04/2020|Week 01
Lecture 01:Module Briefing
Today we had our first online class with Mr.Martin and he briefly went through with us the importance of film and cinematography even as start our specialization in animation.
and later on, went through the google slides with us and touched a bit of our Exercise one.
Here is the Google slides
And later on in the lecture we also went through the MIB and we were introduced to themes and it's importance within a story and how this affects other things like style, character design, etc.
here are the Slides.
14/04/2020|Week 01
Lecture 02:Recap
In today's lecture, we recapped on the projects and then further discuss went through our ideation.
We watched multiple videos on animators in the industry discussing the origin of ideas and one thing that stood out in the video was that ideas originate from different experiences and emotions we have at certain periods and about certain things.
Google slides for the week
20/04/2020|Week 02
Lecture 03:Recap
This week we did another recap on last week's lecture which was on the theme and how the theme affects other parts of the story in which it relates and shows our human emotions and gives the writer something to work with. And that what commonly comes to our mind first is the visual components that the characters or environments look like but the theme matters a lot also.
Mr martin introduces to us the "What if" statement were is gives us the freedom to imagine other scenarios that would happen and this allows our mind to explore other possibilities.
27|04|20|Week 03
Lecture 04:What if
Today we went into more detail on our characters for our project, and we were taught the what if statement and we watched some videos on how it affects the story and gives the storyteller direction and clarity.
Here are the google slides for this week
4|04|20|Week 04
Lecture 05:3 Act Structure
For this week's lecture, we went through the three-act structure is a model used in narrative fiction that divides a story into three parts (acts), often called the Setup, the Confrontation, and the Resolution.
|05|20|Week 05
Lecture 06: Character Design & World design
We went we were at the stage of the project where it came down to designing the characters and the world in which the story takes place in, at this point we are done with the story and writing phase.
Here is the google slides for this week
Exercise 1:Themes
Week 1 (13|04|20)
1. What are Miyazaki's recurring themes?
2. Pick a Miyazaki film and analyze the story's theme and how the protagonists'journey is told in relation to the theme.
Here is my Google slide on the Exercise.
Exercise 2:Themes
Week 2(20|04|20)
For this exercise, we needed to learn how to do what-if statement so as to open up our imagination to what's a film or movie.
Exercise 3:Story spine
What if:
2A: Reframe your selected Miyazaki film in a “What if” statement.
Internal vs. external features:
1. Identify 3 internal and external features of yourself.
2. Identify 3 internal and external features of Mr.Martin
2B: Identify 3 of their external features.
2C: Identify 3 of their internal features.
2D. How would the main character respond if trapped in an elevator?
2E. Draw or write a single page about what happens.
2A: Reframe your selected Miyazaki film in a “What if” statement.
Internal vs. external features:
1. Identify 3 internal and external features of yourself.
2. Identify 3 internal and external features of Mr.Martin
2B: Identify 3 of their external features.
2C: Identify 3 of their internal features.
2D. How would the main character respond if trapped in an elevator?
2E. Draw or write a single page about what happens.
Here is my google slide on the Exercise.
Exercise 3:Story spine
Week 3(27|04|20)
This week we were instructed to write down and sketch our before, What if and after What if then write down our story's spine which breaks down the story and highlights key events.
Here is my google slide on the Exercise.
Exercise 4:Story Arc(3 act Structure)
Week 1(13|04|20)
No feedback was given.
No feedback was given.
No feedback was given.
Week 1(13|04|20)
Going into this new semester with all the online classes going on felt weird but we can't do anything about it. The class was smooth and I was excited to get started on the semester and see the different things we would be doing and what this module was really about.
Week 2(20|04|20)
Week 4(4|05|20)
We had to come up with a 3 act structure for the entire story highlighting the Setup, confrontation, and the resolution within the scenes so as to understand where the story is going and carry the viewers along.
Here is my Google Doc for the exercise.
Exercise 5:Character Design & World Design.
Week 5(4|05|20)
This week we had to come up with a few sketches of the main character and the world design, and gather references we liked would our story's overall art style to look like.
Here is the Google slides.
Week 1(13|04|20)
No feedback was given.
Week 2(20|04|20)
Week 3(27|04|20)
Week 1(13|04|20)
Going into this new semester with all the online classes going on felt weird but we can't do anything about it. The class was smooth and I was excited to get started on the semester and see the different things we would be doing and what this module was really about.
Week 2(20|04|20)
I kinda overslept during today's class but as soon as i came online i didn't miss much i quickly understood what was going on which was the review of the google submission of our audio.
I kinda overslept during today's class but as soon as i came online i didn't miss much i quickly understood what was going on which was the review of the google submission of our audio.
Week 3(27|04|20)
Week 1(13|04|20)
It was hard connecting to zoom for the first time may be due to connectivity issues. and taking notes was not an issue for some reason i felt really focused and ready to listen despite the whole time difference thing.
It was hard connecting to zoom for the first time may be due to connectivity issues. and taking notes was not an issue for some reason i felt really focused and ready to listen despite the whole time difference thing.
Week 2(20|04|20)
Week 1(13|04|20)
For the first exercise, it was interesting, yes but the analysis was hard because the movie i chose had various common themes so i had to analyze properly.
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