Ating Otobong Melvin Abang(0333700)
Information Design
Final Project- Infographic Video



Week 1(7|01|20)

Introduction to the project

After the selection of our group members and also we need to pick up one topic for the final project. The Theme of the Final Project was Natural Disaster.

we decided on doing hailstorm because of its not a familiar concept here.

Week 1(9|1|2020) 
Today's class, we needed to proceed with the narrative of the hailstorm occurrence. the Narrative is explained in the PDF file below.

Week 2(16|1|2020)  
There was no class today as Mr. Samshul was unwell regardless we needed to do our mood board here is the slides for our mood board below.

Week 3(21/1/2020)
We needed to present our mood board to the class. We discussed and create our storyboards with the descriptions of the narration, duration, and visual effects that we would like to include.

Fig 1.1 Storyboard 1
Fig 1.2 Storyboard 2
Week 4(28|01|2020)

The Animatics was handled my Ming and Mai                                      
Fig 2.1 Animatic Thumbnail
here is the Link to the Animatic Video-

week 4(30|1|2020) 
There was no class today due to ACA Championship talk.

Week 5(4|2|2020)
No class in this week as I was having field study in Langkawi for the Intercultural Design module.
Week 5(6|2|2020)No class in this week as I was having field study in Langkawi for the Intercultural Design module.

Week 6(11|2|2020)  
No class today.

Week 7(17|2|2020)
We continued doing the project according to the assigned roles within the group.

My role was to animate the intro scene 1 and Scene 2 
Fig 3.1 Animating the Intro
For the intro it was hard to animate the hail storm as I animated it slanting instead of straight down unto his head, the feedback received was that it wasn't smooth so I worked to amend it 
Fig 3.2 Animating scene 1 
Scene 1's animation was more straight forward as I now used to the tools after struggling with it while animating the intro.

Fig 3.3 Animating the text scene 2
For scene 2 I animated the text playing around with the opacity tool under Transform so when it's played it fades into the scene.
Fig 3.4 Also using the Opacity tool
I also used the opacity for the Fun facts and also the position tool to move the ball and the hailstorm.
Fig 3.5 Placing the Hail on the scale.
For the scale, I faded it into the scene with the opacity tool also majority for the scene 2 tools that were mostly used were the Opacity and Position tool.

here is the link to the final Infographic video 

During this final project, it has sharpened my work ethic and skill in After effects and working within a group has been vital for getting feedback from each member of the group. And communication has been key in the final project dividing the workflow to ensure it's fast and efficient. 


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