Ating Otobong Melvin Abang(0333700)
Information Design
Project 1-
Infographics poster (20%)


Lecture 3: Flip Topic 3 Chunking

22|01|20 (Week 3)

Chunking is a term referring to the process of taking individual pieces of information (chunks) and grouping them into larger units. It is a concept originates from the field of cognitive psychology. By grouping each piece into a large whole, you can improve the amount of information you can remember.

Here are our Presentation Slides on chunking

Lecture 4: Flip Topic 4&5

18|02|20 (Week 7) 

Here are the presentation slides 


PROJECT 1-  Recipe Infographics poster
Week 3(21|01|20)
REQUIREMENTS-Create an A3 infographic poster for a recipe of your choice.

The first project required us to visually communicate a step-by-step guide/recipe of our preferred dish. I began looking for various recipes.
so I decided to make an infographic for Hot pot the Popular Chinese delicacy 

Fig 1.1 vegan Hot Pot

I decided for mine to have a straight forward, having infographic take you through the recipe and the main process being in the Middle while the Ingredients at the side.


Fig 1.1 References 
Fig 1.2 Spaghetti Reference.
Fig 2.1 Making the word Hot pot 

Fig 2.2  ingredients  
I drew the ingredients for the hot pot like bacon, beef, and shrimps for the hot pot you can and any meat you like and the same for vegetables.

Fig 2. 3 adding the broth
For the broth, anything can be added but i made the common ones mostly being Chilli and pork. 

Fig 2.4 drawing the pots
Then I drew an illustration of the pots one having a divider so both sauces can be enjoyed 

Fig 2.5 color 
i added red and Gold because they are the common colors i see associated as Chinese Colours. 

Fig 2.6 Adding the sauce or broth
I then drew the broths or sauces then added it in its respective bowls.

after this process, I then added a background and the texts nothing much.


Fig 3.1 Final infographic poster

I re-did my poster because I felt the other was less informative and a bit confusing.
Fig 3.2 Dividing the ingredients
i divided the ingredients because they were  a lot 

Fig 3. 3 
Then the meats and Seafood were arranged around the pot, they go into the pot once the broth is done it's eaten alongside the broth.
Fig 3.4 Adding other ingredients 
i then added the steps and the Broth and illustrated the chopsticks for the hotpot.
Fig 3.5 Time and sauces
putting the lines to separate the steps and also finishing the final bits.

Fig 3.6  Logo 
what was left was to add the logo so I made one in Photoshop and transferred it to Illustrator.

Fig 3.7 Arranging the Layers 
I had to arrange the layers so I can easily, manipulate the layers in After effects.

Fig 3.8 Final Infographic Poster


PROJECT 2-  Animated Infographic

We had to animate the infographics poster we had made so i decided to so something simple nothing to complex o After Effects.

Fig 4.1  logo
Animating the logo
Fig 4.2 Hot Pot
I then animated the Hot pot to the coming into the composition from the left slowly
Fig 4.3 Final Composition
I was don with the final composition and replayed everything to make sure everything was smooth.

Here is the youtube video of my Animated Infographic 


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