3|10|19 - 17|10|19 (Week 5- Week 6)
Ating Otobong Melvin Abang(0333700)
Video and Sound Production
Project 2 


The aim of the project was to recreate a Thai soap commercial in a team. whereby there were different versions of the soap commercial, we were assigned to recreate the horror scene of the commercial.
Original Youtube is attached below


The production Team(Team Members)

Producer: Joe
Director: Ryan
Assistant Director: Ava
Art Director: Zain
Assistant Art Director: Arletta
Camera Operator: Ehti
Assistant camera: Melvin
Lighting Crew: Jason and Xiaoting
Sound Recording: Alex and Nizam
Actor 1: Qaezie
Actor 2: Yi Xiang

Here is the  Storyboard which gives us a clear direction and acts as a guide so we know were scene is what scene etc.

Pre Production.

Here are some behind the scene pictures during the day of shooting the video.

Fig 1.1 Arletta preparing Quazie for the shoot.

Fig 1.2 Eihti Adjusting the Camera

Fig 1.3 Shooting taking Place.

Post Production Progress

After the shooting sessions, we all gathered separate video and audio files.
The editing was in Adobe Premiere Pro. 
Choosing the right video file and matching the Audio is Important

Adding the Sound Effects
Finding the Sound Effects was hard the light effects and.but the Ambient horror was ok to find than making sure the sound matched the scenes took time.

Aligning the Sounds
The linking of the SOunds had to match the acting especially the Voicing and mouthing.

Adjusting the color with the Lumetri Scope.
I used the Lumetri Scopes to change the Color of the video to give it that greenish look that has the effect of it being a horror film or shot.




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