10 Sept 2019 - 17 Sept 2019(week 03-week 04)
Ating Otobong Melvin Abang(0333700)
Interactive Design 
Project 1-Landing Page Design.


Lecture 3

10/9/2019(week 3)

 we learnt about the history and the background of the web. and i learnt a few things about the Internet here.

That the Internet was created for Communication between allied countries during the war 
Web standards - Design websites using the same language(html & css)
If not complied with web standards most likely to unable to access for most people

Here is the PDF file of this week's Lecture Note.

Lecture 4

17/9/2019 (Week 4)

Today's Lecture was mainly on the intro to HTML(Hyper text Markup Language.
<html> <head> <title> Title </title> </head> <body> </body> </html>



We we're told that we can choose to design a landing page for anything we want, with minimum of 3 sections. After confirming the idea, we had to do 5 sketches and get approval. 

I wanted to do a sports landing page so I sketch a few layouts of how it would look like. So I decided to go for football being my favorite sport and Barcelona being my favorite club.

Fig 1.1 FC Barcelona's Landing Page

Fig 1.2 Scrolled Further Down New's Column.

Fig 1.3 Their Matches Info.
So after checking out how a football landing page should look like I then thought about Making One for Taylor's called FC Taylors and I did 5 sketches as we were instructed to Do. 

Fig 1.4 first sketch(Approved)

Fig 1.5 Other 4 sketches.

After Sketching I then moved on to digitization of the Landing Page
based on the Approved sketch.

Fig 1.6 Arranging using rulers to arrange the top section.

Fig1.7 Adding Buttons 
I then proceeded to add Buttons on the Dropdown menu and created the Page and the arrows that switch the info displayed on the Home page i added a gradient tool to the colors
Fig 1.8 Match Info
I then created the Match Information page Just like FC Barcelona's, at this point was were I was stopped and given feedback on my landing page and the gradient was too much, everything looked boy and I used more than 2 typefaces.


 After the Feedback given I then desired to look upon pin trest examples of sporty landing pages and then  one stood out to me and from then i decided to use that as a guide in restarting my landing page.

Fig 2.1 Reference Page.

I liked the Composition of this new landing page and everything wasn't boxy, the type used was consistent and the colour too wasn't more than 2. 

Fig 2.2 Top section/Home page of Landing Page. 
I then made the top section of the Landing page the First Part i decided to pick just 2/3 colors
and it was quite challenging to find a vector image that would best suit the theme of the landing page's call to action. 

Here is the Vector image. 

Fig 2.3 Vector Image used.

Fig 2.4 Scrolled down of reference page Second Section.

Fig 2.5 My Second Section.
For my second Section of the Landing Page, I was adding the match info and a little info about the Club.                             
Fig 2.6 Continuation of Second Section.

I put the info of the Next match and I added a duration until the Next match which was Taylors vs Sunway. 

Fig 2. 7 Adding Future Matches.
and then I added Future Matches to the Second section.
Here is the Final Outcome of the Landing Page.

Fig 2.8 Final Landing Page Outcome.


Week 3

Mr. Samshul and Mr. Lun advised that my landing page had too much information going on and that I should use a maximum of 2 typefaces, and color and my layout should look more interesting rather than boxy.

Week 4

No feedback is given.


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