28/08/19 - 13/09/19 | Week 1 - Week 4
Ating Otobong Melvin Abang (0331577)
Design Research Methodology

Lecture 1:Module Briefing 
28/8/19 | week 1

Today's class started with a module briefing. Then, we had a short lecture on research and that they are 3 major ways of viewing or going about it.
  1. Critical Review
  2. Evaluation
  3. Field Research
and were asked to come up with a proposal for our research paper - it can be anything related to the design field. We were also advised to look into our field of interest during this week when coming up with our proposal as this research could be useful to use during our senior year.

Here are the PDF slides for the Lecture this week.



Today we were to give Ms. Jinchi and Dr. Noorhayati an Idea of what we wanted to do for our proposal and it should correspond with our field of interest e.g New Media, Animation, Graphic Design etc 
And the Process of this methodology would is divided into 3 sections.

1. Proposal: The should show your curiosity and detailed interest in this Subject matter, And should contain reasons for things that you do


Lecture 2: Research Proposal 
6/9/18 | week 2

We were further briefed about what we were to do concerning The research which we needed to do within the 4 weeks we had and we were told of the process required to achieve a proper research methodology. 
  • Problem statementproblem statement is a concise description of an issue to be addressed or a condition to be improved upon
  • Research Objective: What aim do we have in mind when conducting a project. 
  • Problem Question: An answerable inquiry related to the research objective.
  • HypothesisA hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. It is a specific, testable prediction about what you expect to happen in a study.
Here are the Notes for this week. 


Proposal 1
For the First Proposal, I was told to Make a Selection of your Area of Specialization which I had and This week we were told to look at one out of the 3 which are social-design, Future making, and culture.

proposal 2

Upon thinking about What my Research Topic would Be, i finally Chose African Culture In Animation.

Feedback: DR NOORHAYATI SAAD showed me that I shouldn’t use The word Diversity as i intended to but Rather specify, as the word diversity would be too open.  And that My idea is unique and i should do some more research on this, And i know my culture best.  Compile my findings in google slides by Next week.

proposal 3


Week 1: 


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