Week 1-5
Ating Otobong Melvin Abang(0333700)
Advanced Typography


Lecture 1: Module Introduction & Typographical systems
26/8/2019 (Week 1) 

We were briefed on the overview of the module, the exercises, and projects that we're going to do throughout this semester.
          the Class was further divided into groups to make a brief introduction to our allocated topic-Typographic Systems. From this lesson, I learned that each system has separate characteristics and that we can combine these systems in a layout to make our design more interesting and Unique.  

8 Typographical Systems: 
  1. Axial- Elements are arranged either left or right from a single Axis
  2. Radial- Elements that extend from a central point of axis or. 
  3. Dilatation- Design that's arranged along a Circular Path. 
  4. Random- Elements not having a specific Pattern or relationship and is rather spontaneous.
  5. Grid- Having vertical and Horizontal divisions
  6. Modular- Modular layouts use repeating structures to break up the content, Having a series of non-Objective Elements which are constructed as standard Units. 
  7. Transitional- An informal system of layered banding and shifted banding of Text. 
  8. Bilateral- Design that is symmetrical to an axis, All text is arranged symmetrically on a single axis.
 Typographic Systems: “An understanding of systems of visual organization gives the designer and in-depth knowledge of the design process. The traditional ties that bind design education and the visual process to the rigid horizontal and vertical grid systems of letterpress are no longer the sole means of order. It is possible for the designer to use a more fluid means to create typographic messages through the eight systems of typographic organization. These systems expand the visual language of typographic communication and invite the reader into the text.” (Elam, 2007) 

The 8 systems mentioned above are to be explored using the following content: 
The Design School at Taylor’s University Graphic and Interactive Communication Design Typo sexual Typographic Exhibition Open Public Lectures August 20, 2018 September 20, 2018 October 20, 2018 10:00 am, Lecture Theatre 10 

 The exploration of the various systems would ultimately be used as a basis for Project 1 and 2. Size 200 x 200 mm. In addition to black, you can use one other color. Graphical elements (line, dot, etc.) can be used but in a limited Way.

Here Are Google Slides For Axial And Radial(My Group) Typographical System.

And the links to the rest of the Typographical systems Presentations

Grid and Modular System

Dilatation and Modular System 

Transitional and Bilateral System

Lecture 2: No Lecture
2/9/2019 (Week 2)

There was no Lecture this week but we still attended classes, what mostly happened during today was the feedback session concerning our exercise 1 and also the briefing of our exercise 2 which will be type and play for next week

Lecture 3: 
9/9/2019 (week 3)

There were no lectures today.

Lecture 4:
16/9/2019 (week 4)

There were no classes today Due to Public Holiday

Lecture 5:

23/9/2019 (week 5) 

Today There was a Presentation on Typographic Perception & 

Contrast of Form

Contrast of form is the distinction
between a capital letter and its
lowercase equivalent, or a roman letter
and its italic variant, condensed and
expanded versions of typeface are also
included under the contrast of form.

Creating a layout
  • Spacing (unvarying- no variety, uniform line spacing; varying- different line spacing)
  • Grid (give organization)
  • Balance
  • Bullets and number list
  • Figures, tables, and illustrations
Form and Contrast
  • Size: Bigger is more obvious and attracts more attention.
  • Weight: Thicker line stroke results in larger inline weight. Hence, more contrasting to each other.
  • Form: Distinction between uppercase and lowercase as well as expanded versions within a type family.
  • Structure: Distinction between various type family.
  • Texture: refers to the way of type look as whole up close and from a distance.
  • Colour: At least 2 colors exist while the second color is less important.
  • Direction: Perpendicular, Diagonal or Randomly placed in different directions.
How to create a layout in design?

- can produce a sense of uniformity
Unvarying line spacing can create dull uniformity
Varying line spacing, to reduce monotony or to
highlight a particular section.

Here is the PDF file for the Presentation. 



Exercise 1 
Typographic Systems-(Week 1-Week 2)
Week 1(26/9/2019)

Today, Mr. Vinod gave us the exercise on the 8 typographic systems in which we were to make 2 layouts on each typographic system and all this was to be done using In Design.

REQUIREMENTS: We were to make 8 typographical systems using the given information in the MIB.

1. The Design School,
Taylor’s University

All ripped up: Punk Influences on Design
The ABCs of: The Bauhaus and Design Theory

Open Public Lectures:
November 24, 2019
Lew Pik Svonn, 9AM-10AM
Ezrena Mohd., 10AM-11AM
Suzy Sulaiman, 11AM-12PM

November 25, 2019
Muthu Neduraman, 9AM-10AM
Fahmi Reza, 10AM-11AM
Fahmi Fadzil, 11AM-12PM

Lecture Theater 12

2. Size 200 x 200 mm. In addition to
black, you can use one other color. Graphical elements (line,
dot, etc.) can be used but limited.

First Drafts of the 8 typographic Systems.

Fig 1.1 Axial System Spread.

Fig 1.2 Radial System Spread.
Fig 1.3 Dilational System Spread

Fig 1.4 Initial Random System Spread.
Comment from Lecturer: This didn't Look Random Enough

Fig 1.5 Redo of Random System Spread.
Fig 1.6 Modular System Spread.
Fig 1.7 Transitional System Spread


Exercise 2
Topic-Type and Play

For this exercise, we had to find type in the things around us. It can be either man-made/structures or even in nature. 

              Finding our desired Object or Choice We then have to analyze and dissect the composition to find type within that image.  After identifying the Letter-forms, we are to digitize and refine the letters into a  typeface that is readable and has unique characters and features.

Fig 2.1 An image of Broken Tiles.
I chose to use the Broken Tiles because I found it challenging and quite interesting to work with for this exercise.
Fig 2.2 Tracing the Image.
I then traced the Image so I can extract letter-forms from the composition.
Fig 2.3 Filled Trace 
I then Further filled in the Traced composition so I can accurately extract letters form it.

Fig 2.4 Finding Letter's CTYLOJ

Fig 2.9 Arranging the Letters on a baseline. 
Fig 3.1 Extracted Letter T
Fig 3.2 Extracted Letter Y
Fig 3.3 Extracted Letter F
Fig 3.4 Extracted Letter L
Fig 3.5 Extracted Letter C

Exercise 2
Type and Play continuation
Week 3(9|9|2019)

After extracting the letter-forms I placed all of them together and refer to a typeface. I chose the typeface Futura std with the Font style book.
Fig 4.1 Aligning the extracted letter-forms with the typeface Futura std
  with the Font style book.

After laying out the extracted letter-forms with the font I chose, I then started my refining process by the following steps taken.

Fig 4. 2 
 i  then used the Puppet tool to warp the extracted letter-form into the chosen typeface   
  This process was quite challenging because you have to be careful not to distort the original shape of the letter-form.

Fig 4.3  Letterforms after I used the Puppet tool.
After using the Letterform I arranged both the newly refined letterform with the reference typeface to compare and see that I've gotten the form. 

Fig 4.4 Comparing with the First Extraction.

Fig 4.5 Refined Letterform.

I Liked this Letterform So I decided to leave it at that, I wanted to test out and see how it would look if I closed all the spaces. 

Fig 4.6  2nd refined Letterform No spaces
This is how it looked when I merged it together which I didn't particularly like I felt I had strayed away from the Original Characteristics. Which was the Spacing? 
Fig 4.7 3rd Refined Letter form with Spaces.
Fig 4. 8 Comparing 3rd Refined with the Original

Here is the PDF


Exercise 2 
part 2- Type & Image
Week 4 (9|9|2019)

For this 2nd section of exercise 2 when had to learn how to interplay images and text. The main goal objective of the exercise is to interplay the text with the image 

first off started by looking at a few references I immediately wanted to do one on sports so I headed in that direction. 

here are a few references I looked at to get an idea of what I wanted to achieve. 

References images

Fig 5.1 Example 1
Fig 5.2 Example 2
After looking at the few examples I began looking for vector images I could use for mine.

Fig 5.3 PNG image of a basketball player.
I didn't want to just do the normal real basketball player so i looked for something unique. 


Fig 5.4 Original Illustrated image of Dwayne wade.
This seemed more interesting and unique to use so I worked with this and made several ideas and concepts.
Fig 5.5 First Idea 
I duplicated the Basketball player and included the Wordings "Forever Focused". this was the first idea so I just continued doing different variations. 
Fig 5.6  Second Idea
I tried a different colorway to see if it would have a different effect and i changed the Text to Forever Fit I rearranged the Text and put it at the back.
Fig 5.5 Idea 2 concept 1
then I added a small quote at the bottom and a splash of paint to the background. 
Fig 5.6 Idea 3
then I changed the text again and the colorway, from the feedback, given I was told to try and not use the basketball as the letter O and I repositioned the Right basketball player.
Fig 5.7 Idea 4 
for the fourth idea, I worked based on the feedback given I removed the text from the basketball and changed the text i further interplayed the text balance.
Fig 5.8 smoke effect
i decided to add a smoke effect into the artwork. 
Fig 5. 9 Final and Approved Concept.
Final PDF Submission


Week 1

There was no Feedback for Today

Week 2

General Feedback: Mr. Vinod instructed us to make use of what we had learned during the Previous Semester, and that point size the body text should be within 8-12, and also to look out for Paragraph spacing too so the information can be easily understood.

Specific Feedback: Mr. Vinod and Mr. Samshul Commented saying that I shouldn't overdo the non-Objective elements, And the main systems that had issues were Random- the first wasn't random enough but the second was good and Grid System- shouldn't use Non-Objective elements to define the grid and Radial system- The text has to be pointing something which a few of mine didn't so I have to fix that otherwise the rest of the systems were good.

Week 3

General Feedback: We were told to refer to the typeface we had chosen and also we should be conc=sistent with the characteristics that we want to make in the refined letterforms.

Specific Feedback: Work on the letterform C, it's ok but you can work on the individual characteristics you want to represent, merge some and join some.

week 4

No feedback due to the Holiday.
Week 5

General Feedback: Mr. Vinod informed us that when refining our letters we shouldn't forget the characteristics of the original that we want to implement in our refined letters. And that refinement simply means adding or subtracting from the Dissected letters and that we shouldn't remove the original characteristics of the initial letters.

Specific feedback: For my Type and play, Mr.Vinod said that first I should use the Fonts that have been given to us last Semester and secondly concerning my type the Interplay isn't Enough and that I should look at others to see what I can do to my work to improve it. After a few more concepts I showed Mr. Samshul and he said that rather than using Ball for the O I should use the Arms.



Week 6

Coming up with a good and realistic idea was or is quite hard to do given that I have to rethink the reason behind everything and required a bit of research.

Week 7 

Representing something that has to do with trouble is quite tricky in the sense where it can be misread so one has to be careful that after the feedback I received. 


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