Ating Otobong Melvin Abang(0333700)

Design Principles 

Lectures Notes

Lecture 9:<Rhythm, Harmony and Movement> 

Week 9 (30/5/2019)

This week my group presented on these topics and here are our group presentation slides.

Exercise 7(Collage)


Fig 2.1 Initial Idea(White Background).

Fig 2.2 Testing Background(Orange)
Fig 2.3 Face Cut Out  Composition 
Comment: I had plans to use the faces so I cut them separately so I could assemble them later.

Fig 2.4 Start of my Composition.
Comment: I decided to add the faces I cut earlier around the main woman. 
Fig 2.5 Cut out lips or mouths.

Fig 2.6   Partially  finished Composition,
Comment: I was almost done with the composition I just needed to add the mouths that iv'e cut out earlier. 
2.7 Final Work.
Comment: I finally finished and the lips were added to certain faces, the reason a chose this way of doing my collage it actually represents 2 types elements Rhythm and Harmony If you look at the  faces on the hair closely  you'll notice that the main womans hair makes it seem like the faces have hair which was my aim and secondly this is a random rhythm which is seen in the arrangement of the faces it doesn't really have a certain direction except for the faces on the hair which show harmony. 

Reflection: Overall I enjoyed this final exercise and Wanted to come up with something unique which I did as in there was no reference to this work which I came up with myself.  

Lecture 8:<Preview on Self Portraits>

Week 8(23/05/2019)

Today Ms.Sherry briefed us on Portraits and we should express what we want the portrait to say about us in the portrait and it must be A4 were free to use any medium of our Choice. 

Some Examples that were given by Ms. Sherry 

First Self Portrait.
Comment: We see here that the facial expression doesn't really matter but should contribute to what we want to express overall  

Second Self Portrait That was Shown 
Comment: This Piece was made with Fingerprints I've forgotten the Artist which is really unique it's probably what the artist is comfortable using. 

The Third Self-portrait  
Comment: This Piece is quite unique also because it doesn't just have one element of Design but rather we see the use of lines, pattern and a little bit of composition in the use of vibrant Colours.

Final Example of Self Portrait 
Comment: Very Interesting Self-portrait looks quite digitalized, this is an example of Photo manipulation and a good one at that we learned this in Digital Photography.  

Lecture 7:<Dots, Lines and Scale>  

Week 7(15/05/2019)

What we are able to draw is a point. In fact, dots are all else's building blocks. Any other mark we make can be seen in the mixture as one or more dots. Any shape, shape, mass or blob with a recognizable center is essentially a point regardless of its size.

Examples of Dots 
We see Dots in relation to each other 

Exercise 6


Fig 3.1 This was The initial Work that I presented(Using Dots)

Comment: Ms. Sherry and Ms. Anis didn't really like the concept but the class liked the Pikachu though. personally, the work was quite average for me. My favorite was Pikachu. It took 3 hours to complete.

Fig 3.2 sketching Out from my head 

Fig 3.3 Continuation of Sketching

Fig 3.4 Still continuation 

Fig 3.5 completion of my character  Sketch 

Fig3.6 Detailed filling in of the line inside the Character itself.

Fig 3.7 Continuation of the Line pattern and Testing out of  Beginning of Colouring

Fig 3. 8 Continuation and Colouring 

Fig 3.9 Completion of the Upper  hair and  teeth

Fig 3.10 Sketching of Background So it doesn't look empty.

Fig 3.11 Adding a line pattern into the Background

Fig 3. 12 Continuation of the addition of lines and start of the coloring of the background

Final Work 
Character Reference: My Inspiration came from the Animated Cartoon Tv show called Rick and Morty it's really popular and funny too.

Personal Comment(Self-reflection): This work took me 3 days to complete but I think it will be worth it has this really nice printed effect because of the ink and the close nature of the Lines. 

This work will be presented on the 12th of June alongside My self-portrait and final collage exercise, I hope it gets a good reception and critique. Sorry for the late submission this took me time to come up with and execute.  

Lecture 6 : <Persperctive,Hierarchy,Repetition,Direction>
Week 6(8/05/2019)

Today Ms. Sherry discussed in class about these various design elements Namely perspective, Hierarchy, Repetition and Direction. Here's What I took from the talk 

  • Perspective: The art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface to give the correct impression from each other's height, width, depth, and position. And also Perspective is a technique that represents three-dimensional volumes and two-dimensional spatial relationships, as if from a viewer's point of view. The main characteristic of perspective is that the further from the observer, objects appear smaller.

Examples of perspective. 
Fig 4.1 Two point perspective 

Fig 4.1 one point perspective 




Fig 5.1 First picture Showing Hierarchy(Before Photoshop) 

Fig 5.2 Second Picture showing 2 point Perspective(Before Photoshop)

 Fig 5.3 Editing My chosen Picture in Photoshop.

Fig 5.5 Finished edited picture showing Hierarchy in Photoshop  

Fig 5.4 My second Edited picture Showing 2 point perspective in photoshop.

Lecture 5: No Classes Public Holiday
Week 5(1/04/2019)

Lecture 4:<STUDENTS>Pattern, Texture, Repetition
Week 4 (25/04/2019)

Today a group presented on the topic Pattern, Texture and the pattern is a repetition of design and an exercise was given, we needed to make patterns out of different things that we brought to class. presented in week 5 Thursday. 

Fig 3.1 Example Of Pattern

Fig  3.2 Example Of Texture


Fig  4.1 This was my first approved pattern

 Feedback: At first this piece was just a thumbprint but  Ms.Sherry and Ms. Anis suggested that I should add something to fill up the white space because the white space was quite much. 

Fig 4.2 My Second Pattern 

Ms. Sherry really liked this piece, Ms. Anis wasn't around 

Fig 4.3 Third Pattern

 Feedback: No Comment
Fig 4.4 Fourth Pattern

Fig 4.5 Fifth Pattern



Fig 5.1 

Comment: "This is an interesting work, looks like a mask of some sorts"-Ms. Sherry. This mask was created out of my imagination and I used markers to see what type of colors would fit it when I make use of the Water Colour paint. 

References: for this work, I only referenced one picture gotten from google which is Storm an x men character.
Fig 5.2 Storm


Fig 6.1 Start of my watercolor process
comment: Start Of my Asymmetrical watercolor exercise at first I wanted to just copy everything from my reference.  

Fig 6.2 Continuation of my watercolor process 
Comment: I had not yet painted the Hair and one of the Gloves I was still filling in the background.

Fig 6.3 Continuation

Comment: Started painting in the horns Black and also her outfit 

Fig 6.4 Continuation
Comment: Gradually finishing up my background

Fig 6.5 Final Piece.

Feedback: Ms. Sherry "The Background is really interesting, but did you do this from your head" my answer was yes I did but the body was referenced the head is mine.

Lecture 3<STUDENTS>Symmetry, Asymmetry, Balance, Dominance
17/04/2019(Week 3)

Today  Arletta's group presented about symmetry and Asymmetry so an Exercise was given to choose whichever one we wanted and represent that and I chose to represent Asymmetry.
  • Symmetry: Same weight, Design similar to those on the Side, Mirror Image.
  • Asymmetry: The sides are different but skill look balance, Make it look interesting.
So in order for us to understand the Presentation presented by Arletta's group, an Exercise was given and it is to be critiqued in week 4. 


I was having problems understanding the principles of Gestalt was and representing that was quite hard for me. But eventually, I met with Ms. Sherry and She explained to me that Gestalt doesn't have so complex it can be something simple.


Fig 7.1 Colouring in my Gestalt 
Colouring in the rest of the black area making use of the negative and Positive space as gestalt is meant to have a Certain visual effect.

Fig7.2 Still coloring in my Gestalt
  • Partially finished almost done clouring in the black Area of the piece.

Fig 7. 3 Final Gestalt Piece 

Lecture 2Gestalt
10/04/2019(Week 2)

 In week 2 we were introduced this Week what is Gestalt though?
Definition: Can be said to be a  principle that compliments positive and Negative Space. And needs to have a certain kind of Visual effect. 
and has to make use of Negative and Positive space. Another Exercise was assigned to us so in the process, we can explore the topic further exploration and in Week 3 feedback will be given and the work will be Critiqued. 

Today we displayed our contrast on the window and Got feedback of our different representations of Contrast.

Feedback: I got feedback from Ms.Sherry she asked what material I used for the contrast and I replied that it was black A4 paper and a White A4 paper. And she had this to say "ok this piece is certainly interesting, I see a girl on a swing but keep your paper clean".

Personal Feedback: Since this was the first Exercise I took it that I'm still learning, so it's best to experiment and get what you can out of this Exercise. 

Lecture 1: Briefing and Information
03/04/2019(Week 1) 

I was absent this week due to a delay in my Visa, I wasn't in Malaysia yet. But I asked my course mates what exercises had been done.Ms. Sherry had given an Assignment on the Topic Contrast which was done this week. 
 The Instructions was to come up with a piece of Design that showed or has elements of Contrast, to be done on A4 Paper. The critique was on Week 2.



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